
VR Velo theme island

Equipped with virtual reality glasses, visitors experience driving in a typical traffic situation. The virtual world focuses on potential dangers and teaches anticipatory driving. The focus is on roundabouts and turning left.

Virtual reality in use for prevention
The visitor attraction relies on digital learning: on the bicycles, a family of four experiences up close and without any real risk of accidents how to ride safely as a cyclist:in road traffic. The 360-degree films visualise dangerous encounter points in road traffic. Wernher Brucks, Head of Road Safety at the City of Zurich, emphasises: "Especially the dangers of accidents in road traffic can be conveyed optimally and without risk with this technology, for example the view over the shoulder on a bicycle. Once you have practised this with the virtual reality glasses, it becomes even more second nature and will probably be applied on the road. In the virtual world, you don't just learn with your eyes and ears, but with your whole body." Brucks considers the use of 360-degree films to be groundbreaking in traffic instruction as well: "Sooner or later, this new technology will also find its way into classrooms. It is suitable for practising correct behaviour in road traffic in a safe environment before being exposed to real dangers."

Driving with foresight and recognising dangers
Suva reminds all road users that by driving with foresight, dangers can be recognised in good time. It is important to never lose sight of other road users and to put yourself in their shoes. 

Open from 8 March 2023

The whole world of the automobile

Road and Logistics Days 2024

Ticket Shop

Information, reservations, sales

+41 (0)41 375 75 75

Verkehrshaus der Schweiz
Haldenstrasse 44
CH-6006 Lucerne

Opening times

Open daily!
10 am to 6 pm
10 am to 5 pm